Order – How to Build Your Business Using Resumes
My Viper Bought & Paid For From MLM

Hi my name is J.R. Jackson and let me get right to the point!
I have earned over $8-million and I have recruited over 100,000 people into various MLM & Network Marketing companies! My success is not because I’m a better public speaker than you, better looking then you (maybe some of you – lol) or that I know more people then you.
The reason for my success is that I have an arsenal of tools and techniques that I can tap into that immediately that will take me to the top of ANY MLM COMPANY!
The system that you are about to read about was developed by me years ago and it has never failed me. If you are serious about wanting to create real success in MLM then you need to order my ‘Resume Recruiting’ system. It is the only system that I have seen work 100% of the time for 100% of people.
A Little About me, I have:
- Recruited 750+ people within 6-weeks in a nutritional company!
- Recruited 900+ people in a telecommunications company in months!
- Recruited 1,300+ people in a travel company in 4-1/2 months!
- Recruited nearly 40,000 people in 4-years in a health and wellness company!
- Created the first self-replicated web system for my downline in 1996 – NOW EVERYONE USES THIS TECHNOLOGY!
- Recruited over 10,000 people in 32-Countries – although I do not speak any foreign languages!
- Average over $10,000 1st month in most companies I join by using the tips, techniques and tools I talk about here on my blog!
- Not had a JOB in 18-years due to my Network Marketing income!
- Built a team of over 30,000 people in the last 12-months in a nutritional MLM company.
- Was recently interviewed by the CEO of a $400+ Million Health and Wellness company. My interview may appear in the next 90-days in an infomercial which will run here in the USA.
- Built a team over over 28,000 people within 6-months in a leads mlm.
- Created true multiple streams of income which pay me to this very day!
UPDATE!!! As of today I have built a team of 31,753 people in only 12-months using this EXACT SAME SYSTEM!
Now I don’t tell you this to impress you but to impress upon you what you can accomplish if you have the correct tools.
You see I was raised by a single mother with 9 brothers and sisters on welfare. We never owned a home or had a car that was newer then 10-years old. We never had the convenience of things like a washer and dryer and I certainly never had new cloths growing up. I’m grateful now for my humble beginnings it made me hungry for something better in life.
Now I live in my dream house which is over 7,000 square feet. Drive a Range Rover sport and a brand-new Cadillac Escalade. We vacation anywhere in the World we choose to whenever we want to and my kids have the best of everything and attend private school.
Best of all my wife and I are here 24/7 with our kids enjoying life.
Check out the plate from my Dodge Viper:
I have decided that I would document my 101+ tools and techniques (actually 131 methods now) that I have used to build my teams and document it all here on my blog.
These tools and techniques are available to anyone and everyone in MLM – no matter which company or organization you are in! In the past I have only taught these techniques to my downline – NOW MY SECRETS ARE AVAILABLE TO YOU! And believe me when I say I’m not holding anything back. You are getting 100% of what I teach my team and what I use on a daily basis.
FYI: my 4-1/2 hour live training seminar titled “101 Ways to Double Your Downline & Triple Your Check” sells out where ever I go and I normally charge upwards of $600 per person to go through my mlm training seminar.
If you want to increase your Network Marketing income in multitudes over whatever you’re currently earning – and I mean by ten, fifty, or even one hundred times more – this will be the most important training of your life. If you want to soar to #1 with your company! Recruit 20, 30 even 50+ people per month (I recruited 53 in one month in a company that sold legal and identity theft plans using this technique and I went on vacation on the 17th of the month) then you need to order my ‘Resume Recruiting’ System.
QUICK NOTE: If you are full-time then you could easily recruit 75, 80 even 100 people or more PER MONTH using this system. The reason you will be able to do this is you are no longer tied to a weekly meeting or to your telephone.
My system is so simple that anyone and YES I do mean ANYONE can be up and running within 60-minutes of ordering my system.
My ‘Resume Recruiting’ System will show you how to use dirt cheap resumes to build a huge MLM downline.
I have used resumes to recruit thousands of people into companies that sell; nutritional products, long distance, legal services, identity theft services and even travel!
Normal retail is $197 but I’m running a promotion where you can get EVERYTHING today for only $35!
The complete training system which includes; my training video, 6 resume extractors, sources where you can get resumes, my insider notes and even my email scripts which you can duplicate word-for-word!
Normal retail is $197 but I’m running a promotion where you can get EVERTHING today for only $35!
I could easily charge $500, $700 even $1,000 for this information and I would sleep comfortable at night knowing you got your moneys worth BUT I want to make sure you have NO EXCUSES! I want you to succeed in your business NO MATTER WHAT BUSINESS YOU ARE IN!!!
Order Now and receive free telephone consulting with me for 15-minutes. I charge $750 per hour to consult but I want to make sure you hit the ground running. During our time you can ask me any questions you have about building your business and how to use this system.
Why would I make such a generous offer? Well I know with 100% certainty that after you buy my system you will be so impressed that you will tell everyone you know about me and my ‘Resume Recruiting’ system!
Remember, the price is normally $197 – but you can save big by ordering now. You get everything for only $35!
I look forward to helping you build a large and profitable network marketing business.
Successfully yours,
J.R. Jackson