• My last 5 consulting calls came from the following areas:

    Plano, Texas
    [imwb_cgt_cityName], [imwb_cgt_regionName]
    Chino, California
    London, England
    Vancouver, BC

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    Want to know your MLM Future?

    By action | August 28, 2008

    fortune cookie fortells mlm futureWant to know your MLM future?

    Well read this, “if you continue doing what you’ve always done you will continue getting what you have always gotten!”

    If the answer to any of the above questions is NO then I’m asking you WHY NOT???

    Don’t you want to become successful with your current mlm company?

    Don’t you want to finally have a system which attracts 50-100 people to your business DAILY!

    Do you think this is possible? I hope you do because I attract a lot more people then that EVERY SINGLE DAY and that is why I have earned over $8-million and have recruited over 55,000 people.

    I’m running a special promotion this weekend for my wildly possible ‘Resume Recruiting System.’

    Check out the entire system by clicking here! You will have access to the entire system today and can implement the techniques I teach in my video training within hours.

    The price is going up so grab the entire system now!

    Successfully yours,

    J.R. Jackson


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