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    12 new American Bulldog puppies

    By action | April 15, 2009

    Here are some pics of the new puppies.

    Momma is doing great. She ended up having a c-section to remove the rest of the puppies. She had 14 total, we lost 2 but have 12 healthy American Bulldogs. We have decided to keep maybe 2-3 so we will be selling the rest. If you are interested post a comment here and I will contact you. They will be available when they are 8-weeks old (June 9th).

    foxy with her new puppies

    new puppies

    new puppies

    I hope you like the pictures,


    Topics: Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

    One Response to “12 new American Bulldog puppies”

    1. brad Says:
      April 30th, 2009 at 5:17 pm

      thats great ! i love pitbulls I have 3 at home .


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