• My last 5 consulting calls came from the following areas:

    Plano, Texas
    [imwb_cgt_cityName], [imwb_cgt_regionName]
    Chino, California
    London, England
    Vancouver, BC

  • Order my Resume Recruiting System for only $35 and I will personally work with you and help you become a Top Recruiter in your MLM.

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    2016 is a great year for resume recruiting

    By action | August 29, 2016

    If you believe the media the unemployment rate in the U.S.A. is 4.9% based on data from http://data.bls.gov/timeseries/LNS14000000


    When you dig around a little and factor in those people who are now only working part-time or people who are under-employed you see the actual number is 40.3% click here for the real numbers!!!

    That is CRAZY!

    However, for us folks in the network marketing or MLM industry those facts work in our favor. What I mean is people who would never give a second look at MLM are now open to the idea of at least taking a look at your business. WHY? Because these under-employed or unemployed people can’t pay their rent or mortgage and they know its time to look at something new.

    While my resume recruiting system is NOT a silver bullet and will only work if you work it I do have to say that I have never seen recruiting as good as it is RIGHT NOW!

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