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    The 3 most important things which will determine where you will be financially in the next 5-years

    By action | July 4, 2010

    I asked this question over at Facebook (click here to go to my profile).

    3 – the books that you read
    2 – the people you associate with
    1 – the questions you ask yourself

    These are in no particular order.

    Answer these either here on my blog or over at Facebook and I will award you with one of my training programs.

    Please only answer with one correct answer. Comments are always appreciated.


    Topics: Uncategorized | 4 Comments »

    4 Responses to “The 3 most important things which will determine where you will be financially in the next 5-years”

    1. Rich Valdez Says:
      July 5th, 2010 at 10:50 pm

      Hello J.R.,
      I don’t currently have a Facebook account, but I just wanted to take a moment to comment on those “three important things.” I remember the day you taught those to me (over lunch at Joe’s Crab Shack) and I have seen more and more evidence of their truth over the past few years.
      I have also shared that information with people over the years and have received a lot of positive feedback about them. Even just being consciously aware of them has enriched my life and assisted me with making better decisions for myself.
      Thank you for sharing this information and for all that you do, take care J.R.!
      – Rich V.

    2. Mike Says:
      July 11th, 2010 at 12:33 pm

      J.R. – Nice thought provoking question, for I make up that most people unfamiliar with this notion would answer: having a stable job, huge bank account, living in a certain region, etc.

      I am a huge fan of Brian Tracy, Stephen Covey and Jeff Olsen and I love #3 (the books that you read). It is said that the biggest investment you can give yourself that no one can take away is your personal development. With that, I have created a library full of books which include autobiographies of successful people, books on finance, communication, business, health and spirituality.

      Lastly, I would encourage all that (as Jeff says), Learned knowledge is only good if it is applied! What’s the merit if you simply read but dont take action!

      Be Blessed!


    3. Brian Hin Says:
      August 9th, 2010 at 2:41 am

      The books I’ve read in the last couple of months:
      The Alchemist
      The Richest Man in Babylon
      Think and Grow Rich
      & Success Magazine Publications

      The people I associate myself with. This is the area where I really need help. Locally, most of my social circle isn’t headed in the direction that I want to be heading, which is signing up for the 40-40-40 plan for the most part. Or no plan at all. My positive associations are all coming through the forms of personal development audio. Jim Rohn’s The Art of Exceptional Living plays daily in my car. And his Challenge to Succeed runs on my iPod when I’m not driving.

      The question that I’m constantly asking myself especially for the last couple of weeks is, “Is this what I really want to be doing (the business)?” And, “What’s my true purpose in life?” The first question stems from feeling like I’m completely alone in the business that I’m involved in. Reading through almost every post of yours tonight, so many things rang true. My upline would send emails “reminding” me that some of my downline were going to go inactive and that I should get them to order. I didn’t need a reminder. I check my back office everyday and know what’s going on. The support just isn’t there & the weekly calls and ra-ra just aren’t doing it for me. I NEED A PLAN and I think I’ve finally found one.

    4. Marc Says:
      September 6th, 2010 at 12:54 am

      a. Richest Man in Babylon (Clayson)
      b. Slight Edge (Olsen)
      c. Personality Plus (Littauer)


      As a very effective personal trainer and Coach, I associate with people in my Beachbody team, fellow coaches, leaders, marketers (Carl Daikeler, Larry Zimberg, JR Jackson, Darren Hardy, other rhinos)

      I ask myself how I can become a more efficient marketer and how I can go from a one star diamond coach to fifteen star diamond coach within one year. I continually challenge myself to create more efficient and effective solutions.


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