My MLM Business is Growing Like Wildfire – IS YOURS?
Thursday, October 16th, 2008Wow! Has it really been around 2-weeks since I last posted a message here? It has been crazy with all of the consulting I have been doing recently with both my own downline and from people who have bought my ‘Resume Recruiting’ system. I have been in the mlm industry involved with at least one […]
Win People to Your Way of Thinking
Thursday, August 21st, 2008Have you ever thought to yourself, “I can’t believe that person just said that.” or, “I wonder if that person knows how terrible that sounded.” The book “How to Win Friends & Influence People” is my 3rd favorite book of all time. The Carnegie Institute reports that even if your chosen profession is as technical […]
MLM Sucks
Wednesday, August 20th, 2008You know what sucks (can I say that here – lol) about network marketing? You have to be NICE to people! You know who you are. You want to wear that favorite grungy t-shirt on the weekend, you don’t want to smile while standing in line at the bank or feel compelled to strike up […]
they sent me your check by accident
Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008Your eyes would pop out of your head if you saw the check that I received today! Did you know most network marketing, mlm and affiliate companies have special departments setup for people who earn over $10,000 per month? That is right, the puny checks under $10,000 in most cases are sent out normal but […]
What is your telephone number?
Wednesday, July 16th, 2008Hey gang I hope business is booming for all of you. I just got back early this morning from Arizona. HOT as heck down there! I’m posting a very short post tonight about creating your own custom telephone number(s) in other cities and states. You might be asking WHY would I want a different telephone […]
I’m Back
Thursday, July 3rd, 2008I’M BACK! I can hear the screams from uplines all over the world. While I’ve been vacationing all over the World and taking the last few months off your upline has decided to take advantage of you more then ever with nightly conference calls, weekly meetings, conventions, advance training’s etc. etc. All of which line […]
Where do I buy my ad space for up to 70% off?
Friday, January 11th, 2008OK, someone sent me an email asking "where can I buy classified and display advertising." Here is a direct link to my source. As you can tell there is no "affiliate link" or anything. I’m not making a dime from sending you to this site so please tell them you read about their company at […]
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